Global Activist De Bouse’s Father Has Passed
Shreveport, LA-Renowned Global Activist Greshun De Bouse has made global strides to improve our world. Sadly, her beloved father, Curtis Lassiter, passed away recently mere days after accompanying De Bouse to Blanchard City Hall to receive a proclamation from Mayor Galambos (Blanchard, LA) for Sandy B. Hooks Day. The Day honors the first Black postman in Blanchard, LA and De Bouse’s great, great uncle-Sandy B. Hooks. De Bouse say, “Daddy was so happy that day. He was elated to meet Mayor Galambos.”
Activist De Bouse’s father was a community leader in his own right, with interests in equality and livable wages for city employees, city road hazard prevention, city blight, and crime reduction. He also was an ordained minister involved in ministry efforts for the homeless and elderly. De Bouse remembers her dad saying, “We are so close. He always refers to us as peanut butter and jelly because he says one of us is not good without the other. God truly broke the mold when he made him.” For Father’s Day 2023, Patch in partnership with T-Mobile remembered Activist De Bouse’s father. Activist Greshun De Bouse has done so much for global community equality. Now, as she grieves, we ask that you give her space and grace to do so in her own way. #activistdebouse #curtislassiter