Jul 24, 2023

Louisiana Law Enforcement Day | July 31

On July 31 annually, members of law enforcement in Louisiana will get special recognition on Louisiana Law Enforcement Day. Louisiana Law Enforcement Day or LALED is a holiday established by American Activist Greshun De Bouse, to not only highlight contributions, but also raise awareness with a solution-focused approach to the unique challenges faced by Louisiana law enforcement members. The holiday is an extension of National Police Community Cooperative Day™ (June 25)-encouraging peaceful interactions between police and community members, and the #PROPSTOACOP Movement-which recognizes police departments for doing well-both also established by Activist De Bouse. LALED allows Louisiana law enforcement members to focus on the prevailing and differing issues within their state, foster relationships with persons and/or entities who may assist with issue resolve, and ultimately achieve the goal of policing efficacy for all. #LALED #LOUISIANALED


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